darling i love it

A darling home style shop with vintage finds and curated home goods.

top 3 favorite vegan cookbooks

I don't know why it cracks me up how healthy eating is so popular right now. It is so wonderful and so hip at the same time which is why I laugh. Kale is so "in!" Who knew? For me my diet has been non-dairy and no eggs for almost 4 years now. I can't believe how time has flown by. I started this diet because of an intense rash on my face as well as it swelling once while making eggs for my kiddos and it scared me needless to say. I also have endometriosis and I have noticed I have less reactions and bloating with a non-dairy diet which has been a huge blessing. Maybe too much info for you, but that is how I roll......

I have found many cookbooks that I really like and tend to use often and here are my top 3!

Chloe's Vegan Italian Kitchen is one of my favorites. They are simple recipes with so much flavor it really feels like you are eating Italian food minus the eggs and dairy. One of my favorite new recipes is the quick basil pesto. You can put it on pasta, pizza or salad and it is delish!

1 cup packed fresh basil

1/4 cup olive oil

1 garlic clove

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper : Mix in food processor and enjoy!

Crazy Sexy Juice is a must for you lovers of fresh juice and smoothies. Kriss Carr knows her stuff and lays it out simply for you and the ingredients you need to make some yummy things. My favorite smoothie lately is the hello hydration:

1 large cucumber

3 cups watemelon

1/4 cup basil: that's it! Juice and enjoy!

Lastly, From Plant to Plate, is a lovely book filled with simple recipes you can do in less than 30 minutes! Love! The southwest black bean burger is my favorite and my family enjoys it rather than the typical bean burger from the grocery store.

Whatever your diet and hunger needs are, it is fun to mix and match good cookbooks with your own creativity! That's what I love to do.

What are you fixing for dinner tonight?

Have a lovely day darlings!

(painting by my lovely daughter)

xo jennifer

bunglo by shay spaniola

I am always on the look out for beautiful bedding...and I found it! Shay founded bunglo by shay spaniola in 2013 and has been on fire ever since. You can find her beddings and beautiful pillows here and she is also at anthropologie! Say what???? So amazing. My bedroom received a little make over with her bedding...now to get some pillows...I know I know....pillow addiction right here!

 Take a look at her fabulous designs and water color prints and read the little interview I did with her below.

1. When did you become interested in art and how did you start?

I've always been interested in art! I started painting at 3 and haven't stopped! I took art classes out side of school at a young age, studied fine art and believe it's my way of connecting to my soul! It's more of a feeling that I 'have' to create... it just pours out! 

2. When did you start your company and when did your drawings become dreams?

I started with an idea in December of 2013, 6 months later I launched my first collection and haven't looked back! It's been a dream come true to focus on my art and share my patterns with the world.

3. Favorite things to do on your free time:)

In my free time, I love creating, being outside with my dog and fiance, TRAVELING! Yoga, making plant based meals and gardening. 

4. What would you describe your style in your home?

We just moved into a charming 1920's 'bunglo' in Asheville, North Carolina. We recently purchased 2 large flax linen sofas from restoration hardware and a mid century table from @atomicfurnishings - everything is very simple. We like to keep the house 'zen' - we only used plants and crystals to decorate (and of course bunglo rugs, baskets and pillows!). I'm all about soft grays and making my space feel like a meditation space. I think salt lamps + intentional patterns are the key to enlightening a space! 

5. What makes you happy?

A simple life with an emphasis on living in rhythm with mother nature.

6. Your favorite bedding and pillows currently for sale.

I love them all! I make tons of designs each month, the ones I put into production are my absolute favorites! I love how you can mix and match them to get a new feel every season. We're launching a photo collection with Anthropologie in August that I'm pretty pumped about! 

7. 3 words to describe you!!!

Creative, adventurous and happy :) I truly love life and so grateful for my time on earth! 

Look at those fab pillows at anthropologie! Love it all.

Be sure to take a look at her instagram page here and her gorgeous website here. Have a beautiful day darlings!

xo jennifer

seeing color

I write this from the bottom of my heart as I have been struggling. I try not to voice my opinions too much on social media, but for this I have to say something. Why? My family is multiracial. My son is black. My daughter is white. We SEE color. Our family is a beautiful mix and I would not want it any other way. I have read posts on instagram that I know people are trying to be supportive and write the correct verbiage, but there still needs to be education. One girl I adore and follow stated,  "I pray my children do not see color or race." For me, I pray my children do see color and race as that is how we are all so uniquely made. Like the beautiful children's song goes, "Jesus loves the little children, red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." I know she didn't mean any harm, however I do believe we need to speak up and educate.

My heart breaks for this country and for those that have been so affected by tragedy. I don't understand. I don't think I ever will. I do believe I am more aware, because of my family dynamics and I couldn't be more grateful. I didn't know how God would put certain trials in my life that literally turned into a magnititude of the biggest gifts I could receive. Before we adopted I think with a humble heart I would have responded as the girl above did. I do believe our hearts are all the same and from the inside we look the same. The outside is what makes us so wonderfully different no matter what we look like.

There was a beautiful girl in my yoga class the other day who was black and so beautiful. I walked up to her and said you are so beautiful. She literally looked shocked and had the most beautiful smile and lit the room up. I wanted to just embrace her!!!

Let's work together as a community. Go above and beyond with your friends who look different then you. They might have a disability, they might talk differently, have beautiful black skin, white skin. WE all are human and have strengths and weaknesses. Lets come together and build each other up and make those weaknesses into our strengths.

xo jennifer


Wallpops is a fun peel and stick wallpaper that is now one of my favorite go to easy design applications. The city design is so chic and modern and looks amazing anywhere. My sons's closet doors got a little facelift and the best part? It took me 10 minutes and I did it on my own. I tend to lean on the "lets do this decor quick side." I tell you, this got my fix without the time and frustration. My son loves it and it added some nice texture to his room.

I didn't realize it at the time, but spider man is pointing to his new found city....oh kids!

They neat part about wallpaper like this, is if you change your mind later you can always take it down and either change it with another wallpaper piece or leave a blank canvas with no residue. Wallpops carries different types of wallpaper from cut out designs like pineapples to its new NuWallpaper like the city design I have.

I had a little left over so I decided to use it on our door in our kitchen. I also thought it would be a fabulous summer project for the kids to color it. Coloring books are so in right now, why not have a big piece to color? FUN!

You can find wallpops here and on their instagram page here. 

Have a lovely Friday darlings and a Happy 4th of July!

xo Jennifer

art studio km

Art...it is such a beautiful representation of beauty, emotions and wonder. I came across Kim Merritt through instagram and then realized something.....her sister's husband was one of my husband's best friends!! Isn't this world so tiny sometimes? And isn't she a beauty!?

As an artist, Kim has a beautiful, fresh and modern look with colors that will keep you looking. Her studio is adorable and I can picture her dreaming and painting away in this space. Take a look....

I Love the airy feel to her studio and the lovely green with fresh plants. What a great space to get creative. I asked Kim a few questions to get to know her and her style a bit and this is what she said.

1. When did you become interested in art and for how long have you been an artist?

When I was a kid I was always creating something. Making cards for people or decorating my room about every other week. When I was 14 I had my first private art lesson. I was curious about painting and had just received a watercolor set for Christmas. I took lessons for the rest of that year and loved every minute of it. I then pursed art in college and graduated with a BA in fine art.

2. Does your interior space reflect you as an artist? If so, how?

Yes, my friends always ask me to come decorate their homes for them. I have an equal passion for art and interior design, which makes sense because they relate so much to each other. I was into interiors at a young age, long before I was a painter. I spent a lot of time thinking up ideas and decorating my space. My home is never completely finished. I love that about my home because its changing with the seasons or what inspires me with my art.

3. What is your favorite type of medium to work with?

My first art lesson was with watercolors. Then later when I went to art school, I started painting with acrylic. I still like watercolor and also mixing in oil pastels into my artwork. Acrylic paint is so versatile which is what draws me to it. I love that it can be thick and textured or watered down like watercolors.

4. What inspires you?

When I am not working or painting, you can find me most days outside on walks or in the garden. I love decorating and reading interior magazines and books. I also have a passion for cooking and creating new, tasty recipes. When I am not at home, I love traveling, seeing new places and taking lots of photos.

5. What is your style in your home? 

My style has treasures found on trips, scandinavian design, and a mix of rustic and modern elements. People often say they come to visit, that my home feels very peaceful.

6. Three words to describe you.


Isn't kim's work beautiful? I love her answers and her heart too. My kind of gal! She also is giving 15 percent of each painting sold to clean water. I LOVE IT!!! Please go visit her on instagram and her website and follow along on her beautiful journey.

Have a beautiful day darlings. Hope you have been inspired!

xo jennifer




26 summer activities inspired by my kiddos

1. Nerf gun wars. 

2. Book club with my daughter. Reading together, discussion, dreaming and learning.

3. Riding our bikes to the donut shop.

4. Paddle boarding on the lake and then looking for treasures on the shore.

5. Picnic with yummy food and a ball to play soccer.

6. Movie night....outdoors too! Pleassseeeeee!

7. Ice cream...lots of it.

8. Swimming...at the pool, lake and at grandparents house.

9. Painting outside. Making art and selling it. Giving some proceeds to a charity.

10. Church activities.

11. Day trips, exploring and not having a big agenda.

12. Water balloon fights mama!!!!

13. Sleeping in the back yard in a tent...with lucy.

14. Going to Rome.

15. Beach adventures. Exploring and building sand castles.

16. Having a lemonade stand and selling lemonade and making lots of money mommy!

17. Traveling. 

18. Family time. Lots of hugs, cuddles and kisses.

19. Sleeping in....this is my activity....my kiddos did NOT come up with this one!

20. Getting certified in babysitting.

21. Floating on our donuts...we love our donuts!!

22. Dancing...and making videos. It is so fun mama!! Lots of dancing please.

23. Walking to our farmers market in our neighborhood.

24. Taking lucy on walks...you run with her mommy.

25. Camp at grandparents home.


Have a beautiful summer darlings! Have fun with your kiddos!

xo jennifer

marriage....being aware. loving through.

When I think of my husband I literally get giddy. I smile and think, why me? How did I get so blessed? I believe God had a plan and I was aware. Aware of when the right man walked into my life because I could have chosen another path....

Early on in our marriage I had a difficult time of understanding why he didn't do what I wanted him to do. Sound familiar? I just expected him to have the same expectations I did. Not reality ladies, not reality. It took me years of understanding, learning and maturing. I am still in the process as I believe I always will be growing in this area, but I am aware. Aware of the good, aware of the expectations and aware of what our marriage can handle.

Being aware of our downfalls gives us the ability to give ourselves grace when matters are different than we would expect. I am emotional. My husband is not. Sound familiar?  I could never understand why he just wouldn't cry with me. I would even beg sometimes..... could we just cry together I would cry out!!!!! Seriously!!!? Would be his answer. We have had to learn how to communicate when I am more on the emotional side and it has been a process of being aware, communicating and learning from each other. 

During my 4 years of health issues I had difficulty understanding why he couldn't be home with me more. He had started a business and we had to survive. I didn't have my second baby that I yearned for and had a husband that was gone 12 hours a day and my body hurt. I look back and wish I would have given myself grace then. I had so many expectations on me, my husband and my body. I would put blame on the one person who gave me this biggest security in the world and would put him down. Ladies!!!! The biggest thing I have learned through these experience's is to build your husband up. NO matter how you feel or what the circumstance is. We had some icky times in those years. Building him up instead of complaining would have been such an encouragement in so many of those darker days.

One of the most lovely things I adore about my husband is his willingness to learn and grow. He has taught me to be a better listener and communicator. Not only with him, but our children and family and friends. I have learned so many things from this love of my life and I thank him for always standing up for our marriage first.

Marriage is like an ocean. The waves go up, they come crashing down. Sometimes it is wild and crazy, sometimes it is as calm and still. Above all, it does become a choice of how we are going to react to situations, how we are going to encourage and how we are going to deal with hardships.

Love is a roller coaster......always be aware of the twists and turns. Look towards the finish line. Never give up.

Have a beautiful day darlings.

xo Jennifer

1950's ranch bungalow

When I think of a 1950's home all sorts of things come to mind, but the biggest thing is WORK. Always in progress, never done kind of home. My sister lives in a 1950's ranch bungalow that defeats the odds and is such a special place that she shares with her husband and two precious blonde blue eyed girls.  Along with 9 chickens, two bunnies, a cat, a beautiful garden and a little vineyard they have created a unique space in Napa, California.

They purchased the home in 2009 and have worked diligently on making it fit their needs. They live on 1/3 of an acre and have transformed it into a backyard haven. The girls enjoy playing with the animals, picking strawberries and playing in this cute playhouse.

When my 5 year-old niece was asked what her favorite thing to do in her enchanted garden (as she calls it) she proudly stated, "picking fava beans." Isn't that cute? They pick veggies and eggs on a regular basis and make home cooked meals most of the week.

My sister recently converted the baby girls nursery into a playroom/guest room as their space is on the smaller side of just over 1300 sq feet. I love how she kept some of the same decor and repurposed this table for a work space for the girls.

She just added the new day bed from CB2 called the lubi turquoise sleeper and she loves it! Such a fab color and perfect for the girls during the day and for guests when they visit.

I asked my sister what style she would consider her taste and home. She said it is eclectic with a mix of more mid century being added over time. She loves a good pop of color and incorporates this into her home. 

She recently did a wonderful transformation to her kitchen adding new counter tops, subway tile, a fun island unit and painting the cabinets.  Take a look at this cuteness! 

When asked about living in a smaller house she said it is a never ending task. "Your life keeps evolving and your home has to change with your needs." They changed their fireplace during their first year as it needed a big upgrade. They used reclaimed wood from a nearby city and my dad and sister got to work. It is her favorite part of the house and mine too.

When asked what her next project is my sister quickly responded, "the laundry room!" She found recycled cork made in Portugal for flooring and is so excited to begin. I can't wait to see what she does!

Thanks for stopping by on this little bungalow tour! Have a beautiful day darlings!

xo jennifer


There are not enough words to describe the love I feel for her. She is a women of faith, an encourager and a light in this world. My grandma. I love her so. She will turn 100 next January and to this day she has never dyed her hair and it is such a beautiful shade of golden gray.  She is what true beauty means to me. Her smile shows years of her telling the silliest jokes. Her hands show signs of being one of the best cooks I know. She was married to my grandpa for over 60 years. They had a love story that I look up to and strive for in my own marriage.  My grandpa hand carved her name in a tree trunk when he was 4. Yes, 4!!! My grandma has always looked for the good in anything. She is calm, bright and loves the Lord.

My grandma has always written notes. Everywhere! When I didn't pass my occupational therapy exam the first time she wrote a note to me every week for the next six months until I could sit to re-take the exam. That is beauty. That is love. I have been so blessed to be able to have some of her cherished items now in my home. There are little notes on these pieces that tell me a little bit about the story behind the item. I love the idea of each item in my home telling me a story. Don't you?

One of my favorite pieces is this mint stool. Of course, mint is one of my all time favorite colors and then when you hear the story behind it...hello! It was a bathroom stool from the Stanwood place my grandmother grew up in. This mint beauty then became a passenger item as one of the four girls in her family would sit on it on the way to church. Can you imagine? How beautiful. 

There have been many different uses for this cute stool as it has also been a great stepping stool in my kitchen.  Sadly, this fiddle leaf is no longer with me.....which is another story....

 This painting was done by my grandmothers mother's sister-n-law before she even wed her brother. It is an unbelievably beautiful acrylic painting. Over 100 years old and looks so beautiful like it was done today. I imagine the stories behind it as it hung in a family home filled with love and joy.

Do you have items in your home that tell a story? Please share! 

Have a wonderful evening darlings, xo jennifer

ps. I did not get permission from my grandmother to write this. I love her. I know she will say, "What is the internet anyway? Good for you, I am proud of you."

coveted home

Coveted Home is such a beautiful space and can I say I have never been in their store front! I so enjoy their instagram posts and I have browsed their website many times. Their colorful items are a mix of turkish rugs, weaved baskets, blankets, pillows and so many gift ideas you will swoon! They just opened up a new instagram page called shop coveted home where you can now purchase items straight from instagram. Last weekend I bought a rug from their pop up insta sale and I already have a new turkish rug in my kitchen! It is amazing how one beautiful item can change a space quickly. Please take a look! Of course, lucy loves it too.

I love how Coveted Home has made such a beautiful space not only in their store but online as well. Now that the internet has become the quickest and most convenient way to shop, it is pretty neat-o to still get that quaint eclectic feeling when shopping even if it is online! Here are a few of my favorite photos from their store recently...

Now if that isn't enough eye candy for you, go check them out here or on their two instagram pages here and here.

Have a fabulous weekend darlings!

xo jennifer

family photos...

(photo by Else Kerkmann)

A photo. A memory. A time when everything stands still. A moment that is captured and taken with you the rest of your life. Pictures really do speak a thousand words. When I look at a photo I can remember that time in my life, in our families life. The good, the bad, the blessings and the difficulties. I started having my daughter's photo taken when she was a baby and then our family photos were taken around the same time. I remember thinking, oh this is expensive and over our budget at the time. I tell you what! The best over spending I have ever done!

There are so many great photographers out there and a lot will do mini sessions for a discounted price. I love some of my local peeps Janine WagnerAmber Noelle and Else Kerkmann. It has been fun using different photographers as they give you a different look for your photos. 

Displaying your photos in your home can be overwhelming. I did one gallery wall of my kiddos as our space is small. However, I like the more artsy look with art and findings and photos mixed in. One of my favorite photos is one we had printed out on wood from Wood Snap. I love this company and they do such a great job. Sign up for the emails and get ready to get a discount!

It isn't too late to start your photo gallery. If you are a darling single, a couple, family, an extended family, a pet owner, young, old....go for it! It all can be done and memories can be made.

Enjoy your day darlings!!

xo jennifer

totes for water

Meet my dear friend Jennifer. I remember talking with her a couple years ago about what she was passionate about. God, her family and Giving. She knew she wanted to do something with her sewing talents, but she didn't know where to begin. When Jennifer discovered she could make cute totes out of coffee sacks and sell them for Charity:Water She got even more excited and passionate about giving.

Each tote is sewn to perfection and is lined with a beautiful pattern. Her creativity is seen in each bag and every tote is unique. All proceeds are given to Charity:Water after she subtracts the cost of materials. How amazing, awesome and giving is that? She gives everything she earns away peeps!

Totes for Water is a beautiful name for Jennifer's giving business and fits perfectly with her mission. Her totes are a wonderful gift for friends, teachers, family or simply to say you are loved.

Look at these beauties! One, two or three could be yours! Head on over to her website here or give her a shout out on instagram.

"I have pledged to use my time and talents to raise money for clean water. 663 million people live without access to clean water. People give up their birthdays, jump in cold water, ride bikes, climb mountains and I am sewing totes. Nothing is crazy!" Jennifer in her own beautiful words with her beautiful self inside and out.

Join her and the movement. It doesn't take much.

Have a wonderful day darlings!

xo jennifer

a good gallery wall...

I adore art, especially when it comes to a good gallery wall. A darling wall can demonstrate character, texture and an overwhelming sense of prettiness. I recently gave a Love it styling gallery wall consult away on instagram. It has been fun finding the perfect images for this lovely new client and you can follow along the gallery board here on Pinterest.

Here are some of my favorite gallery walls thus far. Look at how they are styled, grouped and have an overall sense of meaning.

A little love wall in our home....

I have two gallery walls in my little bungalow and the one in our bedroom is my favorite. It has touches of stages of our life together, travel and meaning. 

When doing a gallery wall it is up to you how you go about putting up your items. You can choose to display all your items on the floor ahead of time if there is space and then transfer the look up to your wall. You can measure or not, which I do the latter and it actually gives me more of the eclectic look I like. However, you might want a more precise look and cutting out paper of your images and putting it directly to your wall first to get the vision might be more your taste.

A gallery wall should be a fun experience, and a place that you will enjoy for years to come. If you have any questions are need help starting one, visit my Love it Styling section and shoot me an email.

Have a beautiful day darlings!

xo jennifer

expectations...watch out you might just twirl

Happy evening darlings! Tonight I write from a place that I have been pondering about lately. Expectations. In my 20 and 30's I look back and see similarities in my behavior to things that happened to me or to situations I was in. I remember expecting a lot from my husband when in reality he was doing everything perfect, even going beyond what typical husbands do. If I was in a situation I did not think I deserved, or asked the question, "why me?"...... the situation tended to became more of the issue than it really was.

Expectations. We have them everyday. We expect things from others, from our spouses, our children, our co-workers, from ourselves....even the social internet world. As women and mothers I believe we are incredibly hard on ourselves and are expected to do things that just make us TIRED! I remember when I didn't get into occupational therapy school the first time. I expected to get in as I had good grades, supportive parents and a willingness to learn. The school had other news for me. It took me another year to learn more, have a little more free time and the second time around was an in for me. It made me a better person for learning in my early 20's that expectations can come in all different sizes.

My little mountain town I am living in has hit the news a time or two lately and word is getting out how lovely it is. EEEEKKKKKK!!! When I see traffic I get in a mood that used to never be there. Should I expect that our town should not have growth? Should I be negative because it might take me a little longer to get my kiddos to school? No!!!

Turning 40 this year has turned a corner for me that I must say is lovely. Is it maturity? Maybe. Is it hope, forgiveness and grace? I do think so. Yes, my life is a result of mostly choices, hard work and the good Lord. However, I do think if we expect too much and do not learn from our situations, there is no opportunity for growth, healing and twirling.

I posted on instagram yesterday about how twirling is for all ages. I believe we all have moments of happiness where twirling feels magical and abundant. I am learning to rejoice in these moments and to realize that when expectations are too high, my twirling might dwindle.

Do you twirl?


Have a lovely evening darlings.

xo jennifer

justice jars...making a difference and looking good in your kitchen

Justice Jars. A simple and darling idea my dear friend created to raise money for Charity:Water. Charity:Water is an amazing non-profit company that brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. These cute jars come with a variety of different chalkboard stickers, beautiful color lids and straws for easy drinking. I have used them as gifts, parties and of course they are displayed in my kitchen and look adorable!

Justice Jars are a fantastic glass option to take to get your kombucha, iced coffee, smoothie or green juice. You can find this darling girl on instagram and she will be opening an etsy store next week!

My favorite part of this darling's mission is her recent trip to Kenya with her daughter. She fell in love with the country and is going back already in August! Can I get an Amen? The Africa Justice jars are a unique opportunity to purchase as they will go towards girls education in Kenya. In January this darling was able to meet some of these precious girls in Kenya and she knew she wanted to help and make a difference. You can find her here on Instagram (message her to order) and I will shout her out again when her etsy store opens!

I love making smoothies for my family and myself. I enjoy making up recipes and I just purchased the book Crazy Sexy Juice by Kris Carr. I highly recommend the book! The cover is hot pink....so that goes a far distance in my book :) I would like to share a few of my favorite smoothie recipes... And of course Justice Jars is the perfect match for your green goodness. 

This is my favorite simple go to green smoothie:

•frozen banana •handful of spinach•your choice of milk• I love vanilla hemp or almond milk•Enjoy!! Yes! It's that simple... 

Date shake: 

2 dates• ice•your choice of milk•flax seeds•scoop of peanut butter•banana• Enjoy!

Chocolate shake: 

handful of cashews•2-3 dates•cacao powder or handful of cacao nibs•choice of milk•ice•hemp or flax seeds• Enjoy!

My current favorite recipe from Crazy Sexy Juice called the Granny Smith Apple Pie:

1 frozen banana•1 Granny Smith Apple•handful of kale, leaves only• milk of choice•splash of cinnamon•1 date

I hope you try these and let me know what you think darlings! 

Have a wonderful day! 

xo jennifer


a little spring party

A little spring birthday party was had at my bungalow awhile back and I thought it would be fun to share a bit how I enjoy throwing simple parties. Of course, it is always a party around here with my active boy, even though he was not present,  his baseball bat made the photo!

I love to cook, but when it comes to simplifying I enjoy sourcing out to a local bakery when needed. I had a few friends that were gluten free, myself vegan and of course the lady of the day did not have any restrictions so I was able to get some extra yummy things for her. I had different types of tea and baked goodies and that is all we needed for a good time.

I adore my new sign by letter folk. It has come in handy so many times and I know a lot of parties are going to be seeing it! I also adore this little mouse and hedge hog from the first photo. These creatures from Target are seriously the cutest and such a simple touch to any party!

My happy birthday sign I found on etsy years ago, but if you look for handmade felt birthday signs you will find something similar. Another favorite party shop I love is Shop Sweet Lulu. They have such unique party finds and you will love browsing their sweet party selections.

On a total side note, I love colors and silly me likes to match my clothing with my home decor. I don't do it on purpose, but I did notice in the photo above some similarities in my dress and home. Do you tend to stir that way too? Or go totally opposite? My skirt was bought at one of my favorite store's is my town, Vanilla. It is a hip place with all different types of clothing and accessories and is online as well. When you have a party, even a simple small one, it is fun to wear something pretty!

Even lucy loo enjoyed the party and had a nibble at a baked good.

Enjoy your day darlings!

xo jennifer

darlings do you love to travel? part 2!

Traveling can be rewarding, exhausting, frustrating, relaxing and exciting all at the same time. Our family tends to do well on vacations, especially recently. Our boy has grown and matured a little which has made a big difference in the frustrating and exhausting part to travel. Now don't get me wrong, there were some moments of craziness like when our little one thought he would jump off the trolley when know one else was getting off.....eeeekkkkk! Our Little boy in the Big city had its ups and downs, but the ups out weighed the downs any day of traveling.


We stayed in a little town called Tiburon on the water over looking San Francisco.  The Lodge at Tiburon was a block from the water and had an outdoor heated pool for the kids and a yummy restaurant on site. We stayed there for 3 nights and took the ferry into San Francisco two of those days. The kiddos loved the ferry and the adventure of the city that awaited them.

The highlights of San Francisco per my children were the ferry, China town, riding the trolley and finding a store filled with hello kitty items. The highlights for my husband and I were walking 8 miles the first day, getting to see diversity and culture, eating yummy things and watching our children's excitement. We did a lot of tourist things, but one of our favorites was walking up to the Coit Tower and looking over the beautiful city. It looked a little like this....

The views in San Francisco are incredible and there are so many opportunities for fun photography. I especially enjoyed Chestnut street. It is a must see with beautifully colored buildings, yummy eateries and quaint shops. I found this bright yellow alley filled with happiness. Of course behind this photo you don't hear my kids whining, me saying right here? Stand here? And an instagram hubby being incredibly patient.

Exploring the city by foot and by trolley is the best way. My kids loved the pier and waterfront and there was a lot of adventures wrapped up in just two days.

Now on to next adventures like doing laundry, helping with homework and styling a few homes. Until then, here is my favorite photo of our trip.

Enjoy your day darlings!

xo jennifer

darlings do you love to travel?

Traveling is like an adventure out of a story book. For our family, it is a way to re-connect, spend time giggling, getting lost, problem solving and loving on each other 24/7. Travel has always been a passion of mine and when I met my husband and we had the same love affair with travel I was smitten. We lived all over California our first four years of marriage and had both lived there before getting hitched. Our first year of marriage was in Mill Valley, just outside San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge. Our second year was in the lovely San Luis Obispo and so many beautiful memories remain there for us. We have visited a few times over the past 11 years after moving to Oregon, but this trip was extra special and here is why.

Last year was a big change moving from a much larger home to our bungalow. We did that for many reasons, one of them having more freedom to travel over the next couple of years. Our family has had a season of challenges and now to be able to venture out more has been incredible. Our son is now at an age where traveling is easier and our daughter is the perfect age to get some wonderful education through travel.

Our travel board for 2016 looks a little like this...

We have some travel goals! Of course, not all will be met, but why not dream big? We plan to travel as a family, as a couple and as individuals for the hubs and I. What!? Travel alone and not be a wife and mama!!?? Hold on...that sounds kind of nice.

Here is a little recap of the beginning of our recent road trip to California...

We started our road trip journey to Monterey and stayed at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel and Spa. I would highly recommend it as it had an outdoor heated pool, fun outdoor games and yummy food options. It was a perfect retreat with kiddos and I was able to get a deal that was comparable to much cheaper hotels in the area. The kids especially loved the ping pong area.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is filled with beauty and sea wonder. We especially enjoyed the tank with the 200 pound tuna and a variety of big sea life and sharks. If you get a chance, go when they are feeding them. Fantastic! The jellyfish never disappoint...

The Monterey Pier has amazing views of the ocean filled with eateries and shops. We spent the day at the aquarium and strolled around the pier for lunch and photo taking and great discussions with our kids.

Santa Cruz was a fun day stop and the Santa Cruz boardwalk was a highlight for the kids. It was the first time my daughter had ridden a roller coaster in her little life.  It was fun seeing through her eyes and hearing her screaming for joy as we went up and down, around and around.

We ventured around the boardwalk and then found the best acai bowls I have ever tasted at a cafe called Samba Rock. They currently do not have a website, but if you go to Santa Cruz, this place is a must! The downtown of Santa Cruz is quaint with shops and food and an all around pleasant feel.

After Santa Cruz we headed up north where we stayed in a town outside of San Francisco called Tiburon.  We had such a lovely time and it was a great experience for our kids. Stay tuned as I will share more about that part of our trip and the big city of San Francisco tomorrow!

Have a lovely day darlings!

xo jennifer

you are ok

Hello darlings.

Today I write from the heart. This blog has a lot of different aspects to it. I don't get paid to advertise which allows me to have a little more freedom to be me. Today I thought it would be relevant to talk about being ok.

I posted on instagram a video of me bopping around dancing. Do you feel like you are luke warm and just bopping through life at times? It happens, and sometimes it can take years to feel ok with whatever situation you were given.  I do believe challenges are what make us unique human beings. Experiences give us more gratitude and awareness of what we have and what we have been given. There are so many different stories I could share on here, however my health as been a huge part of my 30's and now that I turned 40 I feel the need to express it and be there for others if they face similar challenges.

I am going to be ok. I had a wonderful pregnancy and it was easy. I had a horrible delivery that lasted 32 hours with a c-section and lots of fear. I was in the hospital for a week after with a baby who didn't sleep and a hubby who thought what in the world just happened?!! Our daughter was born independent and really felt sleeping was for babies...not her. The first year consisted of a sleepless whirlwind and gratitude that my body was ok. Fast forward to a couple years later as we decided it was time to shoot for another one, and life became a series of endless bopping around for years.

I had three surgeries and too many exams to count after we decided for baby number two. The hardest surgery was my abdominal hysterecomy at the age of 34. I have a scar from my c-section and a scar right above it from the hysterectomy. Both scars remind me of my adorable kids. I believe God works in so many incredible ways. For me, I had to have the traumatic c-section to give birth to my daughter or she would not be here. For my son, I know the hysterectomy gave me the faith to choose adoption and he would not be with me today without that challenge. It breaks my heart to think of him not in our lives and the lack of faith I would have had if it were not for certain challenges.

I am ok. You are ok. It might be your relationship, your child, your health, a death, a job and so on. I believe we are here on this earth for such a short time that I must make the best of it, even if it isn't what I want. People experience trauma that is beyond what our brains can even comprehend. I am filled with joy when I hear of humans who take their experience and use it for good. We all can learn from others and we are all going to be ok.

Happy Spring Darlings,

xo jennifer


oh anthropolgie....

This store gets me.every.single.time. Can we say butterflies? I think so! When a store gives you a feeling like you could live there...ummm....they did an amazing job. If you frequent Portland, Oregon often or plan to visit soon the Anthropologie in the Pearl District is an absolute must. I had the privilege of going to the opening night via They Call Her Smith. She is adorable and a hoot!

The store consists of furniture galleries that will make your mouth drop. My favorite was this one with a pink sofa, an amazing modern light fixture and some hip art. Take a look...

I love how they mixed their clothes and shoes....(yes shoes!!!!EEEKKK!) with furniture that made you happy just staring at it. They also had a beauty section, work out apparel and the entire store looked like my dream home.

I think this wallpaper would look fab in anyone's space.....what do you think?

The selection of chairs and fabric were unbelievable. It felt as though you were in a unique boutique store on a larger scale without the feeling of a big department store. Say what!? Amazing, just amazing.

Coffee anyone? Wouldn't this be a fab idea in a kitchen?

And a few more of my favorites....

The colors, smells and overall look of the new Anthropologie is the ultimate experience in Portland. I had such a lovely time as it was also my sweet mama's birthday and lots of giggles and sore feet were had!

Thanks for the love reading today's post!

Enjoy your day darlings.

xo jennifer