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seeing color

I write this from the bottom of my heart as I have been struggling. I try not to voice my opinions too much on social media, but for this I have to say something. Why? My family is multiracial. My son is black. My daughter is white. We SEE color. Our family is a beautiful mix and I would not want it any other way. I have read posts on instagram that I know people are trying to be supportive and write the correct verbiage, but there still needs to be education. One girl I adore and follow stated,  "I pray my children do not see color or race." For me, I pray my children do see color and race as that is how we are all so uniquely made. Like the beautiful children's song goes, "Jesus loves the little children, red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." I know she didn't mean any harm, however I do believe we need to speak up and educate.

My heart breaks for this country and for those that have been so affected by tragedy. I don't understand. I don't think I ever will. I do believe I am more aware, because of my family dynamics and I couldn't be more grateful. I didn't know how God would put certain trials in my life that literally turned into a magnititude of the biggest gifts I could receive. Before we adopted I think with a humble heart I would have responded as the girl above did. I do believe our hearts are all the same and from the inside we look the same. The outside is what makes us so wonderfully different no matter what we look like.

There was a beautiful girl in my yoga class the other day who was black and so beautiful. I walked up to her and said you are so beautiful. She literally looked shocked and had the most beautiful smile and lit the room up. I wanted to just embrace her!!!

Let's work together as a community. Go above and beyond with your friends who look different then you. They might have a disability, they might talk differently, have beautiful black skin, white skin. WE all are human and have strengths and weaknesses. Lets come together and build each other up and make those weaknesses into our strengths.

xo jennifer

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